SpaceLink Rounds Out Management Team with Chief Security Officer and NASA, Civil Space Expert

SpaceLink, a company that is building an information superhighway for the space economy, welcomed two industry experts to its team. Robert Conrad joined the company as Vice President of NASA and Civil Space business development, and Phil Robinson is Vice President and Chief Security Officer.

They join a group of exceptional business and technology professionals who have demonstrated confidence in the prospects for a relay service that provides secure, continuous, high-capacity communications between Low Earth Orbit spacecraft and the ground.

Robert Conrad has supported dozens of satellite missions with NASA, NOAA, the NSF and JPL on behalf of technology-based government contractors. He has deep domain knowledge of TDRSS and experience working with the NASA Space Communications Network and Satellite Ground Network. He spent 17 years at LJT & Associates, a small business government contractor that provided a range of aerospace services, where he was President and CEO.

As Vice President and Chief Security Officer, Phil Robinson is responsible for SpaceLink’s tactical and strategic security operations. A retired U.S. Army Special Forces veteran, his more than 30-year career encompasses protection of sensitive technologies and classified information, human and counterintelligence operations, and information systems. He has been recognized by the DoD for administering exceptional security, risk, and technology protection programs and he holds a graduate degree in Security Management from Webster University.

“SpaceLink continues to attract the industry’s top professionals who are inspired by our business strategy and the opportunity to contribute to our game changing data relay service,” said David Bettinger, Chief Executive Officer at SpaceLink. “Robert Conrad and Phil Robinson each bring skills and experience that will be essential to SpaceLink’s success and I couldn’t be more pleased to welcome them to the team.”

The SpaceLink relay network is designed to pick up where the U.S. Tracking and Data Relay Satellite System (TDRSS) leaves off and go beyond with unprecedented capacity that leverages today’s technology advances. It helps close the business case for Earth observation companies, commercial space stations, satellite servicers and tugs, and meets requirements for the U.S. government and close allies that need to leverage industry solutions to maximize capabilities.

About SpaceLink

SpaceLink will help advance humanity to a new age of space commerce, exploration, environmental awareness, and security. The Always in Sight™ data relay system provides global coverage to empower space system operators to maximize use of their assets. SpaceLink Corporation is headquartered in the Washington DC area and has offices in Silicon Valley, California. It is a wholly owned subsidiary of Electro Optic Systems Holdings Limited, a public company traded on the Australian stock exchange.

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