DMON2 new release supports Eclipse TCF and GR716 microcontroller

OCE has released a new version of DMON which offers the following new features:

DMON Screenshot

  • Fast multi-core source level debugging using Eclipse TCF protocol
    DMON now supports Eclipse Target Communications Framework (TCF) for source level debugging. TCF is a faster and more stable environment for debugging specially for multicore. TCF is being adopted by all major companies offering embedded system debug tools. Xilinx is leading the charge. For more information about DMON’s TCF visit
  • ESA Microcontroller (GR716) support
    The GR716 features a fault-tolerant LEON3 SPARC V8 processor, communication interfaces and on-chip ADC, DAC, Power-on-Reset, Oscillator, Brown-out detection, LVDS transceivers, regulators to support for single 3.3V supply, ideally suited for space and other high-rel applications. For more information please visit here.
  • Improved support for LEON statistics module
    The Statistics Unit (L4STAT) is used count events in the LEON4 processor and on the AHB Bus, in order to create performance statistics for various software applications. L4STAT consists of a configurable number of 32-bit counters, which increment on a certain events like cache misses, MMU data holds, branch prediction misses, .etc. For more info visit here.
  • New PROM builder GUI
    DMON’s new PROM builder GUI facilitates the creation and test of systems to run from PROM. For more info visit here.
  • Multilingual Help
    DMON now provides help on its commands in multiple languages; Chinese, Korean, Russian, Italian(it), Spanish and French.
  • Full IDE Install program
    OCE now provides an install program to facilitate the setup of the complete Windows IDE environment including Eclipse, compilers, and debug software.

Contact for details on how to obtain the latest release of DMON2.