S&P Global Platts Metals Market Insight – Asteroid Mining vs Seabed Mining

S&P Global Platts Metals Market Insight – Asteroid Mining vs Seabed Mining

AMC recently featured in a S&P Global Platts Market Intelligence Report exploring the feasibility of mining metals from both asteroids and the sea bed.

In the article it is discussed what kinds of resources can be extracted, using different mining techniques in order to fulfil rising demand for minerals. Ore quality of existing terrestrial mines is diminishing and new sources becoming harder to find and extract. Inevitably we must either find more environmentally damaging deposits of minerals; or find new environments to mine, with no damage to the Earth, the only planet we know in the universe that harbours life.

AMC outlines is plans to exploit the resources contained within the solar system and how it would enable industrial manufacturing in orbit.

You can read the full article here:

Metals Insight Platts June1

Thanks to Sarah-Jane Flaws and S&P Global Platts for the excellent analysis of our nascent industry.