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Tag: PocketQubes

Target reached for “Alba Cluster 3 & 4”, the recent new Alba Orbital space mission, that had a record breaking with 13 PocketQube satellites launched from SpaceX’s Falcon 9 rocket. The nanosatellites had been integrated into 5 Alba’s deployers,...
Not that long ago it was widely assumed that if we’re not talking about Earth, then we’re not talking about water. Earth is awash in water. The stuff covers over 70% of its surface. Most of this is salty...
Scheduled to launch on a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket in December 2021, a Mini-Cubes PocketQube satellite will serve as proof of concept for the prevention of “man-in-the-middle” data hacks. Data breaches cost millions of dollars every year. IBM’s annual Data...
Imagine a snow globe in your hands after you’ve shaken it. That’s a good way to picture the debris field around Earth, where millions of objects both large and miniscule—from dead satellites to paint and exhaust particles—swirl in geosynchronous...
Recently we started building out our solar panels for the Serenity CubeSat, a project we have been working on with Teachers in Space. The process we used to build them is featured the two videos below. There were problems...
Today, I found out that Bob Cringely has been working on a space startup that will launch CubeSats to orbit using a rapid turnaround method. The details (as such) can be found at his web site, cringely.com. If you need...
In November 2019 we successfully launched the data package that was destined for the Discovery satellite. Alba Orbital was kind enough to carry the chip in their hardware for Mini-Cubes. The neat thing is that you can track the...

Discovery is Grounded

Time for one of those good news/bad news posts. The bad news is that Discovery PocketQube is not going on the RocketLab flight as planned. The good news is that all of the images, books, videos, etc are still flying. So what...

First Vacuum Chamber Tests

We have finally installed a vacuum chamber that can drop the pressure to 2,500 mTorr (we can go to 500 mTorr) if we need it. That pressure is pretty close to what Discovery will experience in space. I ran...
Today, I will be going wheels up bound for Glosgow, Scotland. The 3rd PocketQube workshop is starting on Thursday and I am planning to give a talk on the progress we have had here. A few more milestones, some...