Possible rewrites:- NASA’s Perseverance Images Could Reveal Evidence of a Mighty River on Mars- Martian River Record Possibly Captured in Photos by NASA’s Perseverance Rover- Wild Waterways on Mars? NASA’s Perseverance May Have Snapped Pictures of One

New images taken by NASA’s Perseverance rover suggest the presence of a deep and fast-moving river on ancient Mars, which could have been part of a network of waterways that flowed into Jezero Crater. The rover is exploring the top of a fan-shaped pile of sedimentary rock that stands 820 feet tall and features curving layers suggestive of flowing water. Scientists are trying to determine whether the water flowed in relatively shallow streams or a more powerful river system. The new mosaics reveal coarse sediment grains and cobbles, indicating a high-energy river that’s capable of moving larger pieces of material. Understanding these watery environments could help scientists seek out signs of ancient microbial life that may have been preserved in Martian rock.

Courtesy of Nasa

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