ReOrbit and TransAstra Sign Spacecraft Development and Logistics Contracts

TransAstra, a provider of breakthrough orbital logistics and space domain awareness solutions, and ReOrbit, a provider of software-defined small satellites for beyond LEO missions, announced today that they have signed binding contracts for initial spacecraft development and orbital logistics services.

Nicole Shumaker, TransAstra and Sethu Saveda Suvanam, ReOrbit. Source: TransAstra and ReOrbit.

Under these contracts, TransAstra will provide mission definition and engineering analysis for TransAstra’s Worker Bee™ orbital transfer vehicles to deliver ReOrbit’s customer satellites to Low Earth Orbit, Medium Earth Orbit, Geostationary Orbit and Cis-Lunar orbits. In addition, ReOrbit will provide development options under which ReOrbit generates cost, feasibility, and integration considerations to complete the production and testing of Worker Bee. Under a separate Memorandum of Agreement, TransAstra will explore selecting ReOrbit as a preferred provider of microsats and smallsats for certain customer payloads, while ReOrbit will explore selecting TransAstra’s Worker Bee as the preferred supplier of orbital transport vehicle services, including satellite delivery and hosting.

“We are delighted about this revenue-generating contract with ReOrbit. This agreement takes us an important step forward in TransAstra’s leadership in providing orbital logistics services throughout cislunar space. We look forward to deepening our partnership with ReOrbit,”

said Joel Sercel, CEO of TransAstra.

“ReOrbit is very pleased to engage in this contract with TransAstra. The cooperation between both companies will strongly push space technology further. Through this agreement we will be able to demonstrate the versatility of the Gluon platform to adopt to in-orbit applications such as orbital transfer vehicles. As a platform provider, we continuously look for new opportunities and missions to supply,”

said Sethu Saveda Suvanam, Founder & CEO ReOrbit.

About ReOrbit

ReOrbit provides software-defined small satellites for MEO and GEO missions to supply the growing societal demand for connectivity and digitization. Our vision is to redefine space, through bringing a paradigm-shift to the satellite industry by transforming the traditional approach of single-use satellites into autonomous, reconfigurable, and networked systems. For this, we develop a satellite bus called Gluon, which is based on a payload-agnostic design, maximizing service availability and cost-effectiveness. By enabling the new generation of space applications, we aim to take an integral role in the future development of the space economy.

About TransAstra

TransAstra’s Worker Bee family of space tugs provide in-space logistics services including satellite delivery, station-keeping, resupply, debris removal, and payload hosting services through Earth orbit and cislunar space. Our breakthrough Omnivore solar thermal rocket propel Worker Bees using virtually anything as propellant including water, ammonia, or liquid hydrogen. Omnivore is safer and less expensive than chemical rocket engines and typically ten times faster than electric propulsion. Omnivore is also available as a standalone propulsion module to serve as primary propulsion for a customer satellite. Later, Worker Bees will carry our patented Optical Mining equipment to enable a new age of asteroid mining as part of our Apis architecture.

Courtesy of ReOrbit

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