“Helix” – public names RFA engine

Augsburg, Germany, March 10, 2022 – The staged combustion engine of Rocket Factory Augsburg (RFA) is given the name “Helix”. This name was suggested by two fans from the USA as part of RFA´s #NameOurEngine campaign. Over 3,800 names were submitted, from which RFA selected its TOP 10 and put it to two public votes. “Helix” emerged as the winner of the final round with “Tycho”, “Fernweh” and “Daedalus”. A total of over 17,000 votes from all around the world were cast in both rounds.

This makes RFA the first company in the world to have its engine named by the public. The submitters were also able to provide a reason. In the case of Helix, the reason is that DNA has the shape of a helix. The DNA of the rocket is its engine, the entire rocket depends on it. It is what breathes life into the machine. Moreover, this gives new meaning to the phrase “Space is for everyone” because everyone is made of DNA.
