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Tag: Red planet

Striking rock formations documented by the rover provide evidence of a drying climate in the Red Planet’s ancient past. For the past year, NASA’s Curiosity Mars rover has been traveling through a transition zone from a clay-rich region to one...
The rover’s self-driving capabilities will be put to the test this month as it begins a record-breaking series of sprints to its next sampling location. NASA’s Perseverance Mars rover is trying to cover more distance in a single month than...
The missions will continue collecting data about the Red Planet, though engineers back on Earth will stop sending commands to them until mid-October. NASA will stand down from commanding its Mars missions for the next few weeks while Earth and...
The evening of Aug. 1 felt a lot like a birthday to NASA planetary scientist Justin Simon. On that night, Simon attended a virtual watch party for researchers preparing to use NASA’s Mars 2020 Perseverance rover to conduct the...