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By Tory BrunoOrbital debris has become something that we must urgently deal with. It is not tomorrow’s problem. It is today’s issue. Fortunately, it’s not entirely new ground (no pun intended). It does not require a fundamentally new approach....
  By Tory Bruno It’s hard to go anywhere without hearing about the new threat of hypersonic missiles. China and Russia have them, the United States does not! Even the news has been breathlessly announcing that “Russia used hypersonic missiles against...
By Tory Bruno STEM directly affects the quality of our everyday lives, enabling us to work more effectively, giving us the time to pursue the things that enrich our existence and even extending our very life spans. This alone would...
By Tory Bruno Once upon a time, Space was a peaceful and unchallenged high ground. While weapons might travel through space when transiting from one place on Earth to another, the space domain itself was without weapons and generally without...
By Tory Bruno I am going to share with you some of the little-known techniques and implications of rocket architectural design. Why big rockets sometimes do less. Why little rockets sometimes cost more. And why every rocket has its very...
By Tory Bruno Mars is the reason why everyone is talking about nuclear propulsion. While Nuclear Thermal Propulsion (NTP) has various applications, it’s the potential for human exploration of the red planet that has captured the public’s imagination and the...