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Tag: Dissemination

On the night of July 21st, 2022, at 21:24:41 UTC, telescopes at CastelGAUSS Observatory have captured an image of the International Space Station (ISS) passing over Europe. The ISS was at an altitude of 420.9 km, speeding at 7.665...
The European Space Agency is increasingly looking at possibilities to begin recycling materials in space, as we do every day here on Earth.The critical words are: recycle, refurbish, repurpose and reuse. Man has carried in space many tonnes of...
On October 29th, 2021, during the closing ceremony of the 2021 International Astronautical Congress that was held in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, Prof. Filippo Graziani, President of GAUSS Srl, was awarded the prestigious Frank J. Malina Astronautics Award by...
On December 2, 2020, our astronomical observatory (the CastelGAUSS Project) in Castelgrande took part in the 5th International Space Debris Re-entry Workshop, organized by the European Space Agency (ESA). We presented some results of photometric observations of artificial satellites in...