Space Development Agency Aims for Tranche 2 Transport Layer Launches in 2026

Space Development Agency Aims for Tranche 2 Transport Layer Launches in 2026

The US Space Force’s Space Development Agency (SDA) has announced plans to launch its Tranche 2 data communications Transport Layer (T2TL) Low-Earth Orbit (LEO) satellites in 2026 as part of the future Proliferated Warfighter Space Architecture (PWSA). The T2TL will establish initial launch capability in September 2026 with the launch of a plane of T2TL-Beta space vehicles, followed by a year-long monthly launch campaign involving multiple T2TL variants. The Tranche 1 system will be conducting mission operations in the Operations Centers (OCs) at Grand Forks, AFB and Redstone Arsenal, AL at the time that Tranche 2 achieves initial launch capability. SDA plans to issue a solicitation for Tranche 2 Transport Layer Alpha this summer, and, for missile defense, a Tranche 2 Tracking Layer solicitation in the fall.

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